Community Edition

Community Edition

The purpose of the Community Edition is to allow anyone to run their signing infrastructure. You can take Documenso as is and run it yourself with barely any restrictions. We aim to keep self-hosting a realistic option and not force the product to become cloud-only.


Documenso and the Community Edition are licensed under AGPL3 (opens in a new tab). Below, you can find an overview of the significant licensing terms. The most important thing that you must remember is that if you use the community edition, you must keep it open source:

Permissions of this most robust copyleft license are conditioned on making available the complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to provide a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version must be made available.


  • Modification - You can fork and modify the community edition.
  • Distribution - You are free to redistribute the community edition.
  • Patent use - See license for details.
  • Private use - You can use the Community Edition privately.

You can use Documenso commercially by hosting the community edition or otherwise (as long as you keep the code open-source).


  • Liability & Warranty - While we aim to build a best-in-class product, the community edition comes without an official warranty or liability.

  • EE Folder - Features in the EE folder are not licensed under AGPL3 and cannot be used without an enterprise license. You can find a list of enterprise-licensed features here (opens in a new tab).

  • Official Support - The Community Edition is not eligible for official customer support. While you can request community support through our Discord Community, it's not guaranteed that you will receive help. The Documenso team might also be happy to help, but be advised that this is strictly voluntary.


ℹ️ License and copyright notice ℹ️ State changes ℹ️ Disclose source ℹ️ Network use is distribution


It's important to remember that you must keep the AGPL3 license for your modified or non-modified version of Documenso. If you need clarification on whether this represents a problem or not for you, reach out to us on Discord.