Document Visibility

Team's Document Visibility

The default document visibility option allows you to control who can view and access the documents uploaded to your team account. The document visibility can be set to one of the following options:

  • Everyone - The document is visible to all team members.
  • Managers and above - The document is visible to team members with the role of Manager or above and Admin.
  • Admin only - The document is only visible to the team's admins.

A screenshot of the document visibility selector from the team's global preferences page

The default document visibility is set to "EVERYONE" by default. You can change this setting by going to the team's general preferences page and selecting a different visibility option.


If the team member uploading the document has a role lower than the default document visibility, the document visibility will be set to a lower visibility level matching the team member's role.

Here's how it works:

  • If a user with the "Member" role creates a document and the default document visibility is set to "Admin" or "Managers and above", the document's visibility is set to "Everyone".
  • If a user with the "Manager" role creates a document and the default document visibility is set to "Admin", the document's visibility is set to "Managers and above".
  • Otherwise, the document's visibility is set to the default document visibility.

You can change the visibility of a document at any time by editing the document and selecting a different visibility option.

A screenshot of the Documenso's document editor page where you can update the document visibility


Updating the default document visibility in the team's general settings will not affect the visibility of existing documents. You will need to update the visibility of each document individually.

A Note on Document Access

The document owner (the user who created the document) always has access to the document, regardless of the document's visibility settings. This means that even if a document is set to "Admins only", the document owner can still view and edit the document.

The recipient (the user who receives the document for signature, approval, etc.) also has access to the document, regardless of the document's visibility settings. This means that even if a document is set to "Admins only", the recipient can still view and sign the document.
