Local Development
Developer Quickstart

Developer Quickstart

Note: This guide assumes that you have both docker (opens in a new tab) and docker-compose (opens in a new tab) installed on your machine.

Want to get up and running quickly? Follow these steps:

Fork Documenso

Fork the Documenso repository (opens in a new tab) to your GitHub account.

Clone Repository

After forking the repository, clone it to your local device by using the following command:

git clone<your-username>/documenso

Set Up Environment Variables

Set up your environment variables in the .env file using the .env.example file as a reference.

Alternatively, you can run cp .env.example .env to get started with our handpicked defaults.

Start Database and Mail Server

Run npm run dx in the root directory.

This will spin up a Postgres database and inbucket mailserver in a docker container.

Start the Application

Run npm run dev in the root directory to start the application.

(Optional) Fasten the Process

Want it even faster? Just use:

npm run d

Access Points for the Project

You can access the following services:
