Local Development
Manual Setup

Manual Setup

Follow these steps to set up Documenso on your local machine:

Fork Documenso

Fork the Documenso repository (opens in a new tab) to your GitHub account.

Clone Repository

After forking the repository, clone it to your local device by using the following command:

git clone<your-username>/documenso

Install Dependencies

Run npm i in the root directory to install the dependencies required for the project.

Set Up Environment Variables

Set up the following environment variables in the .env file:


Alternatively, you can run cp .env.example .env to get started with our handpicked defaults.

Create Database Schema

Create the database schema by running the following command:

npm run prisma:migrate-dev

Optional: Seed the Database

Seed the database with test data by running the following command:

npm run prisma:seed -w @documenso/prisma

Start the Application

Run npm run dev in the root directory to start the application.

Access the Application

Access the Documenso application by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

Optional: Create your signing certificate. To generate your own using these steps and a Linux Terminal or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), see Create your signing certificate.